![]() The Day-spring From On High, written by Anglican Bishop Paul Hewett, describes the battle between the Christian church and the rising church of the antichrist. Many agnostics and feminists wish to marginalize and eliminate orthodox and biblical Christianity. In the United States, traditional, orthodox Anglicans, who have been in the wilderness for forty years (since 1977), are entering a promised land with endless possibilities. What is God’s plan for the Anglicans once they come out of this wilderness? Join this Anglican bishop in a journey from a world trying to solve everything by politics, into the presence of the Day-spring from on high, whose love for us changes everything in the Christian Church and world, and restores us to communion with our Lord.
Archers & Chariots: A Thematic Journey through Philosophy's History by Peter Geromel. Ch. 1 - The Philosopher’s Stone Ch. 2 - The Dialectic Duel Ch. 3 - Arjuna and Buddha in a Chariot Race Ch. 4 - Aristotle and Confucius in an Archery Contest Ch. 5 - The Middle-East takes the lead followed by the West Ch. 6 - Kant and Hegel hunt Werewolf Ch. 7 - Romantics hunt Dracula You're Going Home by Sam Geisler. "A Practical 'How To' Faith-Based Guidebook for Successfully Re-entering Society after Incarceration." This is a book to help those who are transitioning out of prison. For copies of this book, please contact Sam Geisler at [email protected]. |
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Gotta Love God's Pets in the Pews by Sam Geisler. A candidly funny, lay-person's guide to better understand and love--ok, at least like--fellow Christians! Pets in the Pews takes an up-close look at a select group of animals, most of which are found directly within the pages of Scripture, and compares those animal-like character traits to people who call themselves Followers of Jesus. Sam's book is an attempt to better understand our God-created uniqueness, and understand each other so we can avoid some of the common pitfalls that can mislead and very subtly deceive us. Aimed at pastors, church leaders and lay persons alike, Pets in the Pews is designed to help you better relate to your Christian brothers and sisters.

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Frankincense and Mirth on High by Fr. Peter Geromel. A brutal rampage through the world of bells and smells yet a tour long enough to stop and smell the romp, pomp and circumstance of High Church worship, this page-turner begs to become an Anglo-Catholic cult-classic for both the sober-minded and serious ecclesiastic and the most supercilious and impertinent of Sacristy Rats. Censored for young children but provocative enough to incense your local low churchman, this must read is not for the faint-from-incense!
The Narrow Way by Mr. Geordan Geddings. The object of this little book is to raise those who use it to a higher state of devotion, in accordance with the teaching of the Church of England, and it is hoped that nothing will be found in the following pages but what is supported by such truly Catholic and sober-minded divines as Wilson, Andrews, Cosin, Ken, Sherlock, Beveridge, and Nicholson.
Frankincense and Mirth on High by Fr. Peter Geromel. A brutal rampage through the world of bells and smells yet a tour long enough to stop and smell the romp, pomp and circumstance of High Church worship, this page-turner begs to become an Anglo-Catholic cult-classic for both the sober-minded and serious ecclesiastic and the most supercilious and impertinent of Sacristy Rats. Censored for young children but provocative enough to incense your local low churchman, this must read is not for the faint-from-incense!
The Narrow Way by Mr. Geordan Geddings. The object of this little book is to raise those who use it to a higher state of devotion, in accordance with the teaching of the Church of England, and it is hoped that nothing will be found in the following pages but what is supported by such truly Catholic and sober-minded divines as Wilson, Andrews, Cosin, Ken, Sherlock, Beveridge, and Nicholson.

Not Ten Suggestions by The Rev. Dr. Curtis Crenshaw, Th.D. John Frame writes a foreword, and Bishops Daniel Morse and Ray Sutton endorse it. What is wrong with the West in general and with the USA in particular? What is God's true morality? Can we live profitably without assuming His moral law in the Ten Commandments? What does each commandment mean, how may we apply it, can we pick which commands to obey or are they one, is natural law a substitute for God's law, how many law systems are there, why is our culture so oriented to death, and many other topics are covered in this book.
Family Spirituality by Fr. Gene Geromel, SSC Ph.D. New Hope and Strength to Withstand the Forces of Today's Society. A helpful walk through the classic concepts of the prayer life, teachings and seasons of Church Life, along with insightful hints at a more communicative and functional household from one with many years of family counseling, parochial, pastoral and "family man" experience.
How to help the Christian alcoholic in your family by Fr. Gene Geromel, SSC Ph.D. Here is a book from an Alcoholics’ Anonymous and Church-centered perspective. An easy-read, it can provide relief and direction for anyone suffering from the disease of Alcoholism or other addictions.
How to Care for Aging Parents by Fr. Gene Geromel, SSC Ph.D. Sold over 30,000 copies in its first edition. This helpful resource provides insights into various stages of care from a Bio-ethically sound and sacramental perspective.
Sublime Duty: Its Emphasis in The Anglican Way by Fr. Peter Geromel, OHI Th.M. From Sir Thomas More to Robert E. Lee, the English culture of Christianity has had a special emphasis on Duty. Trace this fascinating history from Classical, Celtic and Anglo-Saxon Britain through Norman England, from the Medieval Church, through the Reformation, Caroline Divines and Non-Jurors.
Christ & College: A Guide from The Anglican Way by Fr. Peter Geromel, OHI Th.M. Written by the author just after college, this short read will have a long-term impact on the life of a student. It outlines the reason behind a Christian college and provides helpful hints at a meaningful spiritual life during a critical time in any person’s life.
How you can help your engaged child prepare for Christian marriage by Fr. Gene Geromel, SSC Ph.D. As valuable as a pastoral guide to pre-marital counseling as it is a parental guide, this resource provides detailed steps to getting involved, not getting involved, the hurtles, the heartaches, and what to expect leading up to the special day.
About the Authors
Fr. Geordan Geddings is from Sumter, South Carolina and was raised in the Pentecostal Holiness tradition. Serving as Priest-in-Charge of St. Thomas the Apostle church in Alto, Georgia, he is a graduate of Lutheran Southern Theological Seminary. He studied there after graduating from the University of South Carolina. Fr. Gene Geromel earned his B.A. in Psychology before entering Philadelphia Divinity School. Besides his M.Div. from that seminary, he holds a M.A. in Psychology, M.S.A. in Administration and a Ph.D. in Education. After serving as an Episcopal priest in the Diocese of Bethlehem, Ohio and Michigan, he entered the Anglican Diocese of the Holy Cross, where he serves on the Standing Committee and as head of the Board of Examining Chaplains. St. Bartholomew’s Anglican Church in Swartz Creek, Michigan is where he has served as Rector for over thirty years. He is also a chaplain for two local police departments and an adjunct professor of Graduate Studies at Spring Arbor University. A priest in the Society of the Holy Cross, he is married to his wife, Alicia, with four grown children and five grandchildren. Fr. Peter Geromel earned his B.A. in Philosophy from Hillsdale College after attending Virginia Military Institute for a year. He earned a M.Div from Reformed Episcopal Seminary cum laude, M.H. from the University of Dallas in Humanities, and Th.M. from Cranmer Theological House. A priest in the Anglican Diocese of the Holy Cross, he has served parishes in Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee and Texas both for the DHC and other dioceses. Presently, he is Associate at Church of the Incarnation, Quakertown, Pennsylvania and an adjunct professor of Philosophy at Northampton Community College. He is a member of the Diocese’s Board of Examining Chaplains and is a volunteer chaplain with Transport for Christ, preaching Christ to Truck Drivers globally while also volunteering his pastoral care at a local hospital. A priest in the Order of the Holy Innocents, he is married to his wife, Kari, and has one child, Simeon Judah. Dr. Curtis Crenshaw holds a B.A. from Crichton College, Th.M. from Dallas Theological Seminary and a Th.D. from Whitefield Theological Seminary. He is Dean of External Studies at Cranmer Theological Seminary and Rector Emeritus of St. Francis Anglican Church, Spring, TX. FOR HANDMADE PRAYER ROPES & ROSARIES CONTACT VIA EMAIL [email protected] |